Dark Banquet: Blood and the Curious Lives of Blood-Feeding Creatures

Dark Banquet: Blood and the Curious Lives of Blood-Feeding Creatures - Bill Schutt, Patricia Wynne A really well-written non-fiction novel about vampire bats, leeches, bed bugs, and the substance they all feed on. The biological and anatomical information is written in language easy to decipher and digest even for those of us not well-educated in the fields of study, and the author makes just the right amount of humorous quips throughout. He includes quite a few personal anecdotes as bridges for discussing the majority of the topics, and sometimes the dialogue sounds contrived for maximum edge/humor, but it's not an issue or a detraction from the work. Another thing I noticed first and foremost was that the book... editing? Stylization? Was very on-point, it's a gorgeously crafted book.

I read all of the sections on vampire bats and leeches but started to skim at bed bugs because insects make me super squeamish, but I definitely learned a lot.